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A trip to Salisbury as well as Stonehenge

It was Tuesday, 10th of April 2018. The students were already waiting at 8:00 am (BST)* for the bus. The bus with the teachers finally arrived. The students were very excited and looking forward to this day. At 10:00 am (BST)* we had already arrived in Salisbury. The students and of course the teachers went straight to the famous "Salisbury Cathedral". There we separated in several small groups, the one looked at this huge building on their own and one group got a very interesting guided tour by a very nice lady (of course she spoke only English). She showed and explained something about the history and architecture of the cathedral. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to climb the highest church tower in England (123 m o. 134.15 yd). After the tour, we looked at the "Magna Carta" preserved in the cathedral. It is one of the most famous documents in English history. Then we went into the city of Salisbury. There we were alone to explore the small but beautiful city. This city was full of shops and many diengland 18 2fferent dining options. But what to watch was a lot of police, because there Sergej Skripal had been poisoned with Nowitschock not even 3 weeks before.

At 14:30 (BST)* we continued by bus in the direction of "Amesbury". There is probably the most famous stone circle in the world, namely "Stonehenge". We drove up to an extra parking lot. Then all the students were astonished because they did not see the stone circle. But then a shuttle bus came up a path in the middle of a very green field with many hills.
We then walked along this path and several large rocks came to sight. Many of the students immediately shot a few photos. The path led around Stonehenge. In a great place we made a group photo with all participants of the trip to England 2018 including teachers. After a while we went back to the shuttle bus, which took us to the "Stonehenge Visitor Center". There was a large exhibition on the origin of Stonehenge and the history of the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. There were huts like at the time. We also went to Stonehenge souvenir shop where there was a lot to buy about Stonehenge. At 5:00 pm (BST)* we drove our coach towards the host family. We stopped earlier at a typical English supermarket called "TESCO" to buy us something else.

It was a very exciting day for all of us.
And hereby I would like to thank the teachers Mrs. Garz, Mrs. Glück, Mr. Hoffmeyer and all supporters as well as all the participants of the trip to England 2018.

Pictures can be found in the Gallery.

Kevin Maring, Class: 9/G1